Thank you for your interest in TruGreen!
Unfortunately, we are unable to provide an online quote at this time. To better serve you, a TruGreen representative will reach out to you shortly to tailor your plan. We typically call you back within 5 minutes during normal business hours.
We look forward to helping you live more life outside!
In the meantime, learn more about our services:
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Pesticide Agreement
You must accept the agreement below regarding our use of pesticides before service can be delivered.
New York law requires that customers sign a service agreement which will be mailed to you after we process the payment information and register your account. This agreement must be signed before any pesticides including weed controls, insect controls, and disease controls can be applied. Until a signed service agreement is received, TruGreen can and will only apply non-pesticide applications. If you request TruGreen to come to your property to perform a service call where an additional application of pesticide, weed, and insect or disease control is needed, TruGreen must first obtain an additional signed agreement from you authorizing us to perform the application.
Select "I agree" if you understand that even without a signed service agreement, you are still agreeing to the service which will only contain fertilizer until we receive your signed service agreement.